The Kindergarten and First Grade program is:
- a clinic format that emphasizes skill development through age appropriate games and activities.
- an environment where kids will learn the basics of dribbling, shooting and team play in a fun and engaging way.
- a group of enthusiastic volunteer coaches striving to create a positive experience and appreciation for the game.
Emphasis of the clinic is on building skills and a love of the game rather than winning and losing. We do not keep score during the games nor do we keep standings. In a relaxed environment, we celebrate developmental successes, cheer for both teams, and create a foundation for good sportsmanship and a desire to participate and grow.
Session Format
In the first 45 minutes, we will guide children through activities that emphasize age appropriate skills such as dribbling, passing, shooting, and receiving the ball. They will practice these skills by playing games like:
- Red Light, Green Light
- Freeze Tag
- Pirate Ship
- Minnows and Sharks
- “Look what I can do!”
These activities are designed to allow for maximum touching of the balls, often with one ball per child or per pair. Following the activities, children will play scrimmages against another team on a small field that is typically an eighth the size of a conventional field.
Team Formation
- We form teams balanced by gender with consideration for the school your child attends.
- We do our best to to place every clinic player onto a team with some schoolmates, however, we limit team roster sizes at all grade levels to maximize the actual playing experience for all players.
- So, in fairness to all players, we do not form “school teams” and almost every team will have a mix of two or three schools.
For the safety of the children, there is no jewelry allowed on the playing field. This means no necklaces, bracelets or earrings. Earrings in particular are potentially dangerous when worn while playing soccer and must be removed without exception.
We allow medical bracelets when necessary.