If you need to reschedule your home game due to field closings, religious holidays, or tournament play, you must do that by emailing ASC Referee Assignor Paul Athanasiadis (Paul A) at Paul2319@gmail.com, and please cc your ASC Age Group Director as well.
Sunday afternoons are the optimum day to schedule a make up. You can also schedule on Saturday if your team is able to play two games on Saturday. You can schedule on your weekday practice field if you have it to yourself, or, as a last resort, you can try to schedule on your practice field if the ASC coach you share the field with agrees to do so and you clear it with your BAYS Division Director.
- The Saturday and Sunday Field grids show fields that are open on a regular basis. The Field Share chart also shows Saturday openings that occur when both teams have away games, or there is only one team assigned to that game field and that team is away.
- The Field Share chart is titled Practice Schedule and can be accessed from the Schedules and Fields page:
- Next, confer with the opposing coach and come up with two or three possible days and times.
- Then email your request to Paul2319@gmail.com and copy your ASC Age Group director. Please do not request specific fields, just request a date and time
- After Paul receives your request to reschedule, he will then assign you a day, time, field and referee and email you that information.
For BAYS games only, your ASC BAYS director will also post the new date, time and field on the BAYS website, and the site will then send out email notifications to both coaches. Please note that BAYS coaches must also alert their BAYS Division Director of any postponements at the time they occur, and must also let your BAYS Division Director know the new date the game will be played.
Please note that while ASC Registrar has her name on the emails from BAYS, she is not involved in rescheduling games, so please direct any concerns about the BAYS website reschedule postings to either ASC BAYS Directors.