Referee Resources

Feedback Form

Feedback Form from Referee, about Coaches

Feedback Form about Referee, from Coaches 

Rules of Competition

Gr. 2 In-town League

Gr. 3/4 In-town League

BAYS League

BAYS Game Rules Summary Chart

One Page Summary of Intown and BAYS Rules

Advice for New Referees

IFAB – Laws of the Game


IFAB Changes for 2024-25

2022 IFAB Law for Handling



BAYS Zero Tolerance Policy

Referee Code of Conduct

Game Reports: Best Practices

Financial Information


Certified BAYS/USSF referees (sometimes called Grassroots referees) are responsible for their own uniform purchase. A standard USSF referee kit consists of a gold referee shirt, solid black shorts, knee-length black socks (striped or solid), and predominantly black cleats or sneakers. Referee kits or individual items can be purchased online at Official Sports, Score Sports, or Capelli Sports; the store Soccer Stuff in Acton also sells referee gear.
In-Town referees will be provided with a black referee jersey after completion of the In-Town Referee workshop. They provide their own black shorts, socks, and cleats/shoes.
All referees also need a whistle, a wristwatch with a stopwatch function, a coin, and something to record game information (usually a pocket-sized notebook and pen). Certified BAYS/USSF referees also need red/yellow cards, and a pair of AR flags.
Referees who face financial difficulty in purchasing the items above should contact the ASC Referee Director.

Spring 2025 Pre-Season Meeting

The pre-season referee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 2, 2025 in the evening at the Robbins Library Community room (In-Town 6:15-7:15, Grassroots 7:30-8:30).

Contact Information

Referee Director:  Chris Carlsmith
Assignor:  Paul Athanasiadis