Tryout Schedule – updated April 29, 2024
Each year, Arlington Soccer Club forms boys and girls select teams for the following grade levels: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th/8th. Select teams typically compete in the first or second division of the Boston Area Youth Soccer (BAYS) league. Players are placed on a select team based on their skill level. A player’s skill level is determined by their performance at tryouts along with an assessment from their current coach.
What is the format of tryouts for both Night 1 and Night 2 ?
Tryouts take place over two nights. All interested players must attend the first night. The first night consists of small-sided games (4v4-5v5). Small-sided games provide players with the opportunity to have frequent touches and make numerous decisions in a game-like environment on a smaller field with no goalkeepers. The fields are split with having either 2 goals total (one goal, central at each end) or 4 goals (two goals in either corner at each end). This encourages players to explore playing direct soccer or being able to attack with the option of switching the field and it encourages defenders to think about how to defend.
Following night one, only players who receive an email callback for the second night will be evaluated for select team placement. The second night consists of larger sided games relative to that age group. Prior to night two commencing, all players will have an average score based on their night one performance which is used to create the larger sided teams for night two.
How is my player identified during tryouts?
All players who try out will be assigned a numbered pinnie at check-in, which is how they will be identified throughout the evaluation process. Players who are called back for night two will receive the same numbered pinnie. During tryouts and subsequent evaluation by coaches, players are only referred to by pinnie number (never by name). This is intended to ensure consistency and fairness in the evaluation process.
What if my player cannot attend a tryout date?
If a player cannot make a tryout night, they must contact their appropriate BAYS Director to see if they are eligible for a waiver before the first tryout night. Please note that in order to provide a fair and equal tryout we have rules in place to determine what passes for a waiver or not. See below re: “What if my child has a conflict for the tryout date?” for details about waivers.
What if my player does not make call backs?
All 3rd and 4th grade players who do not make call backs will be placed on a team in our vibrant in-town program. All 5th grade players and above who do not make call backs will be placed on a non-select BAYS travel team.
Who conducts the tryouts?
Tryout evaluations and team selections are conducted by our Director of Coaching, our Challenger Sports professional coaches, and a slate of experienced ASC coaches including individuals with extensive soccer background. Each tryout will include at least one of our professional coaches or our DoC. A typical tryout would include at least half a dozen evaluators, although this number will vary from night to night depending upon availability of evaluators.
Please note, coaches are not permitted to evaluate the age group in which they coach, with the exception of the head coaches of the current select teams.
How are players evaluated?
Tryout evaluators will observe a player’s technical skill, tactical understanding, decision making ability, athletic qualities, and focus related to their age development. We follow the guidance and structure of the US Soccer Roadmaps, US Soccer Player Actions and U.S Soccer player Key Qualities. All evaluators attend a pre-tryout season meeting which is conducted by our Director of Coaching. All evaluators are educated on best practices on player evaluations and what to look for when observing player performance.
In addition to this form of evaluation during tryouts, each player receives an evaluation from their current team head coach (which has input from all coaching staff on that team); that score is factored into the night one tryout results. As well as an overall score, the current head coach also provides a written evaluation of each player, including game attendance, practice attendance and player conduct. Those written evaluations are considered by the tryout committees together with observations and evaluations from tryout nights.
Which grade level should players tryout for?
Players should attend the tryout for the grade that they will be going into for the coming Fall season. For example, a player currently in 2nd grade should attend the 3rd grade tryout. Players cannot play outside of their grade level.
Do all players need to attend tryouts?
Players who wish to be considered for a select team for the following academic year must attend tryouts. If your child is currently in pre-K, kindergarten, or 1st grade, there are no tryouts and no select teams.
If your player does not want to be considered for a select team, they do not need to attend tryouts. All 3rd and 4th grade players who do not make a select team or attend tryouts will be placed on a team in our vibrant in-town program. All 5th grade players and above who do not make a select team or attend tryouts will be placed on a non-select BAYS travel team.
How many select teams are there per age group?
There are two boys select teams and two girls select teams per grade level for 3rd – 6th grades. There are three boys select teams and three girls select teams for the combined 7th/8th grade level.
When are team selections announced
Select team rosters are released after the last day of school in late June.
What is expected of ASC select team players?
ASC select teams hold practices twice per week and play games on Saturdays during 10-week Fall and Spring seasons. Select team players are expected to:
Participate in both the Fall and Spring seasons.
Make every effort to attend the two weekly practices, with a 50% minimum attendance requirement (i.e. one practice per week).
Make every effort to attend all regularly scheduled Saturday BAYS games. Saturday game absences for reasons other than illness, injury, or emergencies are taken seriously.
Three game absences (in a single season) may negatively impact a player’s likelihood of being selected in subsequent years.
Four or more game absences (in a single season) may result in removal from the team and prohibition of trying out in the future.
Make every effort to attend any makeup or rescheduled games held on other days.
Play for their ASC team at Columbus Day tournaments.
Are there select teams for high school aged players?
The 9th – 12th grade girls Premier Team holds tryouts concurrently with the 3rd – 8th grade select team tryouts.
The 9th – 12th grade boys teams are formed only after placement on the high school teams has been established in late August. Players cannot play simultaneously for a high school team (like AHS or AC) and for a ASC 9-12 grade team. Additional details about registration will be distributed in the future for these teams.
How do I sign up?
Signup for 2023 tryouts is closed. Signup for 2024 is now open.
Can parents stay and watch tryouts?
We discourage parents staying and watching tryouts as we believe this puts added pressure on players. However, if you wish to stay, you must remain off the field and refrain from cheering or otherwise addressing the players at all times.
Is my player guaranteed to be placed on the same team?
No, we cannot guarantee your player makes the same team again. If players do not try out, we cannot guarantee they are placed back on the same team. The ASC strives to keep non-select teams together when possible, although sometimes teams are broken up due to coach retirement, dramatic changes in enrollment, etc.
If my child doesn’t make a select team this time around, will they ever?
Arlington Soccer Club’s goal is to provide every child opportunities to develop as a player. Each player’s growth is unique and their growth happens at different rates. Therefore you should not look at their placement on this upcoming season as defining who they are; rather it is their own individual path to their growth as a player. Some players remain on the ASC select teams year after year; others will move between the A team, B team, and non-select teams. That depends upon their performance at tryouts and during the season, as well as on the makeup of the player pool each year. Each year’s tryouts represent a fresh start for each player and each team.
What should my player bring?
Players should wear cleats, shinpads, and wear appropriate training gear in addition to bringing plenty of water.
What if my child has a conflict with the tryout schedule?
Due to the large number of players involved, ASC does not offer makeup dates for tryouts. If your child has an unavoidable conflict please STILL register them for tryouts, and contact the appropriate Age Group Director to discuss a potential waiver. Waivers are given for injury, illness, long-standing commitments such as a performance, a family graduation or athletic playoff game. While waivers are given on a discretionary basis, it is best for players to be at both tryouts whenever possible.
7/8th Grade Goalkeeper Tryout Process (How)
Goalkeeper tryouts are overseen by our Director of coaching and professional coaching staff.
- Any 7th and 8th grade player is eligible to try out as a goalkeeper for a select team.
- Any player attending goalkeeper tryouts is assessed as a specialized goalkeeper and awarded a select team placement if their skills are deemed to be adequate in relation to their field player peers.
- Each select team can have up to 1 specialized goalkeeper
- Any player attending goalkeeper tryouts is ineligible for field player tryouts. Players not placed on a select team based on their goalkeeper tryout performance will be placed on a non-select team.
- 7th and 8th grade goalkeeper tryouts are held before night one of field player tryouts.
- If a player scores within the range of a select team they are called back to night 2, where they will play in goal during the large sided games for final evaluation.
Who should I contact with questions?
Please contact the BAYS Boys Director or BAYS Girls Director with any questions about the tryout process. If they were an evaluator for that tryout, questions should be directed to the Director of Coaching (DOC).